Bursitis 2017-07-06T13:34:33+00:00

What is Bursitis?

Bursitis, also known as bursa inflammation is an inflammation of the bursae of the joints. Bursae serves as cushions in the joints. There are more than 200,000 confirmed cases of Bursitis per year. Treatments for Bursitis are rest, ice, and pain relievers. Preventative measures are also used for pain management. An example of pain management for Bursitis is limiting use of the painful joint to perform regular activities.

Causes & Symptoms


Bursitis is normally caused by overuse of the joints, tendons, or muscles that are near the bursa. However, it can also be caused by injury or trauma, bacterial infections of the bursa, and Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout.

Bursitis can be mistaken for Osteoarthritis as both ailments have the same symptoms. The only difference is the actual cause of the symptoms. This form of Arthritis happens when the protective cartilage thins or disintegrates causing bone-on-bone contact. It can also cause a decreased range of motion. Another major symptom that may point to Osteoarthritis instead of bursitis is crunching and popping of the hip. This is an indication that there is bone-on-bone friction.

Symptoms of Bursitis include redness, pain, swelling, and stiffness in the knees, shoulders, elbows, and hips.



Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is used to treat bursitis patients. It has been more effective than Cortisone injections in patients with Chronic Hip Bursitis. A PRP therapy session takes about 20 minutes to complete. It is done by collecting a sample of the patients’ blood and placing it in a centrifuge in order to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other components of the blood. The separated platelets are then injected directly into bursa. An Ultrasound is used to ensure accuracy. The platelets are essential for repairing injured tissues. They increase the production of collagen which cause cartilage to become stronger. This causes increased long-term recovery versus the cortisone which only treats the pain.

Stem Cell Therapy is another form of therapy used to treat bursitis patients. It is somewhat similar to Platelet Rich Plasma therapy. It can be done as an injection as well. Patients are encouraged to walk right after the injection. The stem cells used in this treatment come from the patient’s bone marrow in the pelvic bone. The stem cells are then separated from the blood and then injected directly into the bursa. Stem cells can promote regrowth and healing in the damaged bursa.